One of my favorite (dutch language) albums is an album made by Hans Zilver. He combined the text of dutch poems with some wonderful music. The song I love most is called “Voor de verre prinses” and it has the lyrics of J.J. Slauerhoff (1898 – 1936).

Voor de verre prinses

Wij komen nooit meer saam:
De wereld drong zich tusschenbeide.
Soms staan wij beiden ‘s nachts aan ‘t raam,
Maar andre sterren zien we in andre tijden.

Uw land is zoo ver van mijn land verwijderd:
Van licht tot verste duisternis – dat ik
Op vleuglen van verlangen rustloos reizend,
U zou begroeten met mijn stervenssnik.

Maar als het waar is dat door groote droomen
Het zwaarst verlangen over wordt gebracht
Tot op de verste ster: dan zal ik komen,
Dan zal ik komen, iedren nacht.

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Cristina Branca also used the lyrics for a beautiful Fado version: A una princesa distante.<!– WriteFlash('’); //–>

A uma princesa distante

(J.Slauerhoff – Custódio Castelo)

Jamais voltaremos a ver-nos,
Entre nós dois há um mundo pelo meio.
Por vezes, de noite, à janela nos detemos
Mas são outras as estrelas que vemos…
Doutros tempos o enleio.

É tão longínquo o vosso país do meu:
Como a luz da mais funda escuridão – tão distante –
Que viajando sem parar nas asas do desejo, eu
Vos saudaria num suspiro agonizante.

Porém, se for verdade,
Que sonhando o impossível,
Se leva o maior dos anseios
À estrela mais intangível:
Então eu voltarei,
Voltarei todas as noites…
De saudade.

English Translation of the poem
(thanks to Branko)

Now we will never meet again;
The world shouldered itself between us.
Sometimes at night we both look out the window,
But different stars we see in different times.

Your land is so far removed from mine:
From light to farthest darkness—that I
Travelling restlessly on wings of desire,
Would greet you with my dying breath.

But if it is true that the strongest desire
Is carried to the farthest star by great dreams:
Then I will come,
Then I will come, every night.